Annual Fire Sprinkler Inspections
Keep Your Business Safe
Your fire protection systems are a big part of the risk management of your business. Without the proper inspections, not only are you operating outside the parameters of the law, but you’re also creating a dangerous and potentially deadly situation in your business. Sprinkler system inspections are meant to catch any problems before they become serious, allowing you to have preventative maintenance performed by a trusted fire protection company. See what it takes to keep this first line of defense for your business in solid working order.
Why Sprinkler System Inspections
Are Crucial
Your employees and your customers count on you to provide a safe space for conducting business. Staying safe requires regular fire sprinkler inspection as well as reviews of your other fire prevention and protection systems. Without both testing and a physical inspection of your systems, it’s too easy for damage to set in -- damage that could severely limit the effectiveness of your fire protections in the event of an emergency. Ensuring that any maintenance needs are quickly handled allows you the peace of mind knowing that your business is protected.
What’s the Difference Between
Fire Sprinkler Inspections and Testing?
While the words “inspection” and “testing” are often used interchangeably when it comes to your fire prevention systems, they are actually quite different. In a fire inspection, a professional will visit your site and physically inspect the system -- looking at sprinkler heads for signs of damage such as:
Cracking or peeling paint
Clearance below the sprinkler head
Each of these considerations helps your fire protection technician determine if you need to make any changes to stay within the codes -- and the bounds of safety for your business.
Testing generally refers to an activity where your technician will turn various parts of your system on and off to ensure that they function as intended. This could include testing the fire alarm panel as well as the working or moving parts to complete your fire sprinkler inspection.
How Often Should My Fire Sprinkler System Be Inspected?
Your fire sprinkler system requires inspection according to NFPA 25 standards, and businesses are required to maintain records of this inspection and be able to produce the records upon request. Inspection records from the previous year are also a great way to transition between fire protection companies or help a new technician see if there were areas to watch from previous inspections. This provides a greater continuity of fire protection services for your business.
What Is Checked During
My Fire Sprinkler Inspection?
Working with a fire protection provider allows you to ensure that your sprinkler inspections are completed on the recommended schedule. Your trusted provider will keep you up-to-date in any changes to government requirements that might affect your business, too. The standard schedule currently recommended by the NFPA 25 is:
Review deluge systems, dry and pre-action systems as often as once per week.
Every month, visually inspect your wet pipe system gauges.
Water flow alarm devices, supervisory signal devices, control valves, hydraulic nameplates and valve supervisory alarm devices all require a quarterly inspection.
Each year (fire sprinkler annual inspection), have your pipes and fittings, information signage, spare sprinklers and hanger/seismic bracing inspected thoroughly
Internal inspections of your sprinkler piping can be limited to every five years (5 year fire sprinkler inspection).
Staying on a schedule with these inspections can be challenging if you’re not working with a proactive fire protection organization. All the scheduling is handled for you, leaving you confident that your system is being reviewed at the correct time and with proactive maintenance recommendations made as needed.
At AAA Fire Protection, we work with hundreds of businesses in the Northern California area to ensure that their fire protection is fully up-to-date, tested and inspected. Our technical professionals receive ongoing training in all of the most popular systems, ensuring that we can always make the best possible recommendations for your business. When you need to schedule maintenance or inspection for your fire sprinkler systems, contact AAA Fire Protection at 855-356-0020 or visit us online to learn more about the services that we offer.