Fire Extinguisher Service Sunnyvale

Sunnyvale businesses who are looking for fire extinguisher services can turn to AAA Fire Protection Services. We bring over 40 years of experience to every client that we serve. We understand the intricacies of the California code of regulations and how they apply to fire extinguishers and fire prevention services. We offer comprehensive fire extinguisher services and a complete line of fire extinguisher sales. It is always our goal that the clients with whom we work be 100 percent in compliance at all times.


The California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 8, Section 6151 spells out the rules and regulations for fire extinguishers and fire extinguisher services. Because we have four decades of fire protection services, we can offer outstanding service at affordable rates. In addition, our expertise helps you place the proper size and the proper type of fire extinguisher in areas where they are required. For example, in a commercial kitchen, you would need a fire extinguisher that was rated for commercial kitchen usage. In an electrical closet, you would need a fire extinguisher that was rated for electrical fires. If you'd like more information about how your business can work with ours, just give us a call at (800) 543-5556. Our team of professionals will happily answer all of your questions and we provide free quotes.