Fire Extinguisher Service Walnut Creek

AAA Fire Protection Service knows that Fire Extinguishers are the first line of defense when dealing with a fire. We offer Fire Extinguisher services including Fire Extinguisher sales to residential and commercial customers. We have over 40 years of dedicated fire protection serving the community of Walnut Creek and the entire Bay Area.

Fire Extinguishers must be serviced, even when stationed in a residence. When Fire Extinguishers are in a business they must be serviced on a regular basis. This is because they are under pressure. They work only if the internal pressure of the Fire Extinguisher is sufficient to propel the fire retardant from the Fire Extinguisher. Our Fire Extinguisher services put your Fire Extinguishers back in business. We see a lot of businesses that have Fire Extinguishers that would not help much in the event of a fire. A faulty Fire Extinguisher puts people at risk and allows a fire to burn unchecked until the fire department gets on scene. To take advantage of our fire extinguisher services, just give us a call at (800) 543-5556.