Rundown of Primary Fire Protection Terms You Need to Know
Keeping your staff safe in the event of a fire is your first priority, with protecting the business a close second. Electrical fires can quickly spin out of control, and you can easily make the situation much worse unless you know how to handle this particular type of blaze long enough for everyone to get to safety. Older buildings are particularly prone to electrical fires as the wiring can degrade over time. Many years of hard use can cause outlets to become loose and wiring to lose some of the outside protective covering, which can cause sparks. When something nearby ignites, an electrical fire can grow quickly. Here are safety tips that will help minimize the possibility of this type of damaging fire.
Every business has its own standard terminology, and when you don’t know the language it can make you feel as though you are on the outside looking in. Fire protection and prevention is no different, with a full glossary of terms available from the National Fire Protection Association. Don’t want to go through the full list of fire terms? Here’s a quick breakdown of the most important terms that you need to know to keep your business safe from fires.