Safety Tips for an Electrical Fire


Keeping your staff safe in the event of a fire is your first priority, with protecting the business a close second. Electrical fires can quickly spin out of control, and you can easily make the situation much worse unless you know how to handle this particular type of blaze long enough for everyone to get to safety. Older buildings are particularly prone to electrical fires as the wiring can degrade over time. Many years of hard use can cause outlets to become loose and wiring to lose some of the outside protective covering, which can cause sparks. When something nearby ignites, an electrical fire can grow quickly. Here are safety tips that will help minimize the possibility of this type of damaging fire.

1. Check Your Wiring Often

The wiring and electrical connections in your building are not something that comes to mind on a regular basis. Most people are accustomed to simply knowing that electricity is there when you need it without worrying about the state of the infrastructure that brings electricity to their fingertips. Having a proactive fire protection partner who regularly reviews your building for safety concerns allows you the peace of mind that your wiring is being checked on a regular basis so you can alleviate any problems before they escalate into an electrical fire.

2. Avoid Overloading Outlets

Business offices are notorious for having outlets that are pushed to their breaking point, especially as businesses grow and evolve. Older buildings may not have as many available plugs as are needed for a modern business setup, meaning there’s some added pressure to share outlet space with multiple individuals. Today’s devices are shocking energy hogs, too — and it’s not unusual for a single office to need to plug in up to five or six devices, plus lighting, in a single outlet with a power strip. Be sure to use adequate protection when you’re looking at the load on your individual outlets, as a serious overload can be the cause of an electrical fire that can quickly get out of control. 

3. Watch for Flickering Lights

One of the first signs that there’s a problem with your wiring can be a very visible one: lights that are flickering or unstable on a regular basis. If you flick the switch and the light doesn’t come on immediately, that could be a sign that you need to check your wiring. Be sure to educate your staff members about what to look for in terms of potential dangers so they’re able to report any changes to the electrical use in your buildings. 

4. Use Correct Wattage for Light Bulbs

Some types of lightbulbs run hotter than others, and each lighting fixture has a recommended light bulb wattage that it’s important to stay within. If there’s a mismatch between the lightbulb and the fixture housing it, this can cause a problem over time. Be sure lights are placed far away from any flammable materials such as piles of paper or fabric. Light bulbs can get much hotter than you realize, especially if they are left on for a significant length of time.

When you’re ready to learn more about how to protect your business from the dangers of electrical fires, contact the professionals at AAA Fire Protection today at 855-356-0020 for a free estimate. Our team has been protecting organizations of all sizes in California for decades and can leverage that experience to help support your business.

1 Comment

  • Standard Restoration

    Knowing how to check your electrical equipment is vital when you want to avoid a fire. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips.

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